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100 Salient Features of this theme.
1. Magazine style premium blogger template
2. Highly customizable
3. All browsers Supported
4. Day and Date - blogger hack (More)
5. Updates section above header
6. Facebook style lightbox - Facebox (Know More)
7. Multi Level Drop down menu V 1.1 - Browser support: FF1+ IE6+ Opera8+ (Know More)
8. Subnavbar - one click show and hide
9. Three column middle box
10. Dedicated space at homepage (just above Content area , so you can add anything you like ).
11. Bookmark icons below Post title.
12. Embedded Comment Form.
13. Numbered comments.
14. Go to top and bottom buttons (Know More)
15. Links in sidebar widget tile.
16. 4 Column Footer. (Fixed height)
100. It is a very unique blogger template inspired by many websites .